Leisure activities

From 1860 onwards, the townspeople who enjoyed more free time than the farmers organised themselves into associations institutionalising their new leisure activities.

Music societies were the first to be formed. They brought together amateur musicians and organised republican ceremonies, fairs and popular festivals.

Sports associations appeared at the beginning of the 20th century around football, rugby, cycling, tennis and basketball.

Fishing and hunting associations enabled members to practise their activity on shared areas, to regulate game, to fight against pests and thus to avoid disputes.

Theatre was practised by amateur companies since the end of the 19th century and the very popular fixed or travelling cinemas appeared in the Isle valley just after the Great War.

Although the maintenance of a food garden was a long-standing practice in both town and country, ornamental gardening was democratised at the end of the 19th century among the middle classes in small towns.

Illustrations :

– Photo-card of the Mussidan Musical Union band in the 1920s. 2014.9.56 Chica Collection © Musée André Voulgre

– Photograph of Jean Rigaillaud at the piano in August 1900 Cliché André Rigaillaud © Private collection.

– Photo-card of the cycling section of the Mussidan R.C. around 1950 2014.9.57 Chica Collection © Musée André Voulgre

– Photograph of a football and rugby match in 1900 at Lagut in Saint Front de Pradoux Cliché André Rigaillaud © Private collection.

– Postcard of the rue de Lyon in Mussidan carrying a banner for a big rugby match at the Mauries stadium around 1950 2014.9.248 Chica Collection © Musée André Voulgre

– Photograph of the parade of fishing societies for a fishing competition in Mussidan in the early 1920s 0.1414 Chica Collection © Musée André Voulgre

– Advertisement for shotguns without the new agriculture in 1923 © Musée André Voulgre

– Photograph of two young hunters from Périgueux in 1900 Photo André Rigaillaud © Private collection.

– Postcard of the theatre hall around 1917 which became the Modern Cinema in Mussidan in 1918. It was in competition with the Cinema Rex one street away in 1920. 2014.9.501 Chica Collection © Musée André Voulgre

– Photograph of a vegetable garden in the Dordogne around 1920 2017.7.10, Photo Sarah Vergnas © Musée André Voulgre

– Photograph of an ornamental garden on rue Beaupuy in Mussidan around 1910, Photo Sarah Vergnas © Musée André Voulgre