When we were inside, an officer checked our identities. My father, who had been mutilated in the war, was pushed aside and found himself in the left group. When it was my turn. [I had new shoes, but my identity card showed that I was not from the Dordogne, but from the Creuse… He looked at me – I can still hear him as if it were yesterday – then he said to me: « Terrorist! « And immediately he signals me to go to the other side. My father saw me go… A moment later, they put us in three rows and we stay for two hours facing what looks like a firing squad. A dozen soldiers arrived with their rifles and they placed a machine gun on each side… ».
Testimony of Marcel Charpentier, one of the two survivors of the massacre
« It’s about 8.45 p.m., we go out through the big gate, still in two rows, flanked by twenty to twenty-five « bicots » under the command of the Gestapo chief, Hambrecht. They quickly directed us through the rue de Bordeaux towards the chemin de Gorry; as we entered this road, I realised that we were going to be shot. « By one, to the left » commands the chief and, as soon as we are in place, he adds for his assassins: « Shoot me all of them. Fire! » The machine guns crackle two metres behind us. Everyone fell at once and I lost consciousness.
Testimony of Antoine Villechanoux, the second survivor out of the 48 shot
« Everyone fell, but I didn’t lose consciousness. I heard no cries or complaints. However, a new order rang out: finish off those who did not die. The beanbaggers then finished their work by passing twice behind us. I had my nose in the dirt and held my breath as they passed me by. I heard about fifteen blasts; they must have been shooting at those who were still breathing, then they finally left and there was silence […]. My first thought was to look for my son. I found him, alas! among the dead and I could do nothing more but mourn him.
The night of 11 to 12 June, testimony of Marie Lafaye, resident of Mussidan
« Several North Africans in the service of the Germans came to my house and, at gunpoint, forced me to open my door. They asked me if I had weapons and money. I gave them 1,400 francs and certified that I did not have any weapons. That’s when they brutalised me, called me a terrorist and a communist. They then began to search the cupboards and took from me the following: an overcoat worth 4,000 francs, a brand new suit, a used suit, a woollen waistcoat, two pairs of shoes, various necessities, two handkerchiefs, two litres of rum, tobacco and cigarettes. I estimate the loss at about 15,000 francs.