The Chartreuse Voulgre
This comfortable family home with wings, (called a chartreuse in the South West of France) was bought in 1902 by Dr Voulgre’s parents. It was built at the beginning of the 19th century on 18th century buildings. It shows in its many rooms the different moments of a middle class daily life from sunrise to bedtime. The property included various buildings and agricultural plots which are now the municipal public garden.
Illustrations :
-Photograph of the chartreuse Voulgre in 1969. (© Alain Dugué, Pont-sur-L’Isle n°5)
-Chronological plan of the evolution of the chartreuse and the museum between 1760 and 1985.
-Photograph of the façade of the Gamenson chartreuse in Saint Laurent des Hommes. (© Museum André Voulgre)
-Photograph of the Claud chartreuse in Montagnac la Crempse. (© Museum André Voulgre)